3DWorld (170/293)

From:Robert Kihl
Date:22 Apr 2000 at 15:38:55
Subject:Re: Heretic II Demo Available

On 21-Apr-00, Thomas Frieden wrote:

>>> resolutions, like 400x300. Those are a good compromise betwee=
>>> resolution and speed.=20
>> When I cange to 512x342 only the render area canges, the screenmode is
>> still 640x480. I canged the modeid in the envvar to 512x342x16
>> (1086455879) but it still uses 640x480. How do I make it run on a 512x=
>> screenmode?
> I'd say you have screenmode promotion turned on (i.e. running NewMode).
> Make sure you turn that off.

No I don=B4t think I have. The mesa demos works in 512x342, should Hereti=
do to then?

>> Is there much diffrence between a 604@233 and a 603@240? or a CVPPC an=
d a
> Yes, there is a difference between the 604 and 603. The 604 boards have=
> bit data bus, while the 603s have 32, which halves your memory bandwidt=
> And, IIRC, the 603 has only one integer unit, while the 604 has two.

I see, is there speed difference between CVPPC and BVPPC also?

Would HereticII run faster on a 603e/060 than a 603e/040?=20

>> I get the whole display dithered, how do I turn that off? Musn=B4t tha=
>> slow things down? ...I have the Warp3D/Phermedia2/dither set to "off".
> On the console, enter "gl_dither 0". But that won't make it faster. Onl=
> ugly :/

No it looks nicer :)

>> I seam to have problems with speed in other Warp3D programs aswell, th=
>> mesa demos for instance run in maybe 3-5 fps and I get some db flicker=
>> in the background :(
> You probably have an old monitor driver. Those have problems with V39
> multibuffering...

I installed the latest CGX update and the MESA demos runs much faster now=
but I still get the flickering on every Warp3D program. Seams like it=B4s=
doing a cls on one of the buffers. Anyone know how to fix this? =20

Robert Kihl